Terri Weems
I AM YOUR SISTER, AUTHOR * CROSSROADS GRATITUDE JOURNAL, AUTHOR * Butterfly sister-friends, founder * SACRED PROMISE ANTHOLOGY, CO-AUTHOR * HerStory Circle Summit Speaker * Motivational Facilitator * Multifaceted Presenter * Connector
Terri realized that she needed more than her degrees in business education. Terri became a lifelong, real-life student. She continues to seek knowledge and develop skills in a variety of areas. Terri was audacious long before it became a thing. She boldly steps into arenas that she has only read about and experiences that broaden her horizons.

It is my superpower!

There is no challenge Terri can’t handle. She tackles problems with ease and efficiency.

Natasha R. Brown
Writing Accountability Group Leader
I met Terri in 2021, and her ability to reveal her authentic self in every conversation or speech impressed me. She speaks with integrity and honesty and her most impressive gift is her ability to be vulnerable and strong at the same time. She makes for an energetic, engaging, and inspirational author and speaker.

Getrude Matshe, Founder & Global Curator
HerStory Circle Movement
I have been working and collaborating with Terri on a global initiative aimed at empowering women from all walks of life with a long term of connecting 1 million women. I am enjoying her openness, willingness to contribute, and give of her knowledge, wisdom, and experiences which all help in the progress of the Herstory Circle dream. Terri is passionate about impacting the lives and transformation of women and families. Thank you, Terri, for your contribution to making the world a better place.

Ruth Dengwani
HerStory Circle Chairperson
Terri was an absolute pleasure to work with. We had so much fun and her life force is so wonderful! I am grateful for the opportunity to have met such a kind, loving, and inspiring person.
Terri Weems, you go girl!!!

Sarah L. Jillian
HerStory Circle Panelist